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Antique Chinese celadon tea bowl JUKO CHAWAN


Murata Juko (1423-1502) is known in Japanese cultural history as the founder of chanoyu (or sado, Japanese tea ceremony), in that he was the early developer of the wabi-cha style of tea enjoyment employing native Japanese implements.

In the shogun family of the Muromachi period , the Tenmoku tea bowl or celadon porcelain tea bowl of Longquan were appreciated because of the tea drinking culture that valued Tang-style tea bowls, but Juko praised plain, cheap-looking, bowls and established the tea ceremony using such plain tea utensils. His "wabi-spirits" was inherited to masters of tea ceremony such as Sen no Rikyu later.

collection: Idemitu museum of arts

antique chinese celadon tea bowl

antique chinese celadon tea bowl


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